Brady's Pilgrimage

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Freedom Awaits!!

I'm leaving the Valley and that makes me sad. But its important I move on... I don't want to cling but let go knowing I will learn and grow from this experience and the next, the unknown? I'm on my way to my first Burning Man festival, call me a virgin, I leave the park via Tahoe, Reno, destination Black Rock City. Packing up and shipping out, anxious and nervous, traveling light to make it easier I hope, but a challenge none the less. I feel a bit strange not sure why, having to remind self everything is alright and I'm doing my best! Trusting the universe that it will provide and nourish me along the journey home and beyond....

Moving on from a Dirtbag's Paradise

Sunday, August 19, 2007

I am Your Friend!

I repeat, I am your Friend!, it is your choice to honor that or deny the fact that I am your friend. I will challenge you to become a better person, acknowledge your strengths and weaknesses, admire your beauty, creativity and divinity. But I refuse to agree with you on matters which conflict with my beliefs, values, and lifestyle. I will not ignore comments which make fun of or discriminate anyone or group, I will laugh with you but not at you. I will show you my faults through interactions in hopes that you will look inside self to find things you ignore, hesitate to change, things so simple but created through habit and fear. I will give you courage, support, and love, help you to realize your dreams by realizing mine! There is no time for distraction, please listen, unlock the doors inside mind that keep me out, remove the Armour around your heart that tears can't pierce. I will cry with you, grieve with you. I will show you my vulnerabilities, insecurities and doubts in hopes of breaking through obstacles that keep me from reaching goals. I will be honest, open and True, I will hold you, pick you up when you fall, but I will not let you hide, from me or society, I will be a reflection of your innocence and ignorance. I will push you beyond boundaries in time space and words, all I ask is that you do the same in Return. Together we are bigger than one, bigger than two, we are three with room to breathe, and as members of community it is our responsibility to be ourselves but continue to push the envelope, converse freely without judgment or hatred, see each person as part of us. We owe it to our Mother to cooperate as grown adults, to get egos under control and let spirit flow without attachment. Empowering individuals to serve the greater good. I am your friend, I see your potential, do you see mine?

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Leading By Example

..yesterday i wrote this in a fit of frustration, excitement, and inspiration,
"Guilt Trip"
Trying to be my best, although it sounds cheesy
trying to stay humble with out exploding, cause
sometimes i want to yell "what the fuck are you doing!"
you can fuck over yourself all you want, but others, the planet,
that's where the line is crossed.
Injustice has been ignore for too long and the oppressed are
seeking revenge. Its pretty obvious that the majority would
benefit greatly if the Greedy Powers at be would give up a
strangle hold on their egos, develop compassion for humanity,
or make it easy on all of us and commit suicide.
Although we shouldn't revert to violence, that's using poison
instead of medicine, but a cure for this disease could hurt the
Economy, and 'Oh my God' how would the West survive
without a TV in front of their face and a beer in their hand?
Are we better off waiting for the pot to boil, killing us all?
Maybe we should all wake up and quit our jobs, go back to
growing vegetables and building houses of straw and mud.
Some people think there are less radical solutions to our
problems but time is getting on. Our Mother's got cancer
and we still can't stop Raping her.
What am i doing to heal these wounds? just what is necessary:
trying my best to use less and help more, walk or bike instead
of drive, pick up litter when i see it, shop locally and cook more,
Think before i Eat!, ask myself these questions daily without
getting too satisfied with the answers. You can say I'm extreme,
point out my flaws but pointing the finger does you no good at all
Take responsibility for your actions, surprise me, challenge
my ideals and encourage me when I'm down, 'cause even when I
appear confident I have insecurities too. Can we stop embarrassing
each other and give compliments instead? It stretches my
imagination but I dream of abundance for EVERYONE, the potential
is their but our tactics make me sick! I'll swallow my pride for
equality, can you do that? Sometimes I think playing Sane is
holding me back. That's when I decided, "I'll Guilt Trip you too,
if that's what it Takes!"

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Pledge of Resistance!

Sometime ago when in New Zealand i came across Saul Williams, a spoken word poet and personal hero, version of the Pledge of Resistance on, it was so inspiring that i made sure to get online and watch it everytime i felt i was lacking motivation, there are many inspiring people, speeches, documentaries out there, this is from ,may we all band together in our own Pledge of Resistance,which starts with where we choose to spend our money and who we elect to govern us.

"Pledge of Resistance"

We believe that as people living
in the United States it is our
responsibility to resist the injustices
done by our government,
in our names

Not in our name
will you wage endless war
there can be no more deaths
no more transfusions
of blood for oil

Not in our name
will you invade countries
bomb civilians, kill more children
letting history take its course
over the graves of the nameless

Not in our name
will you erode the very freedoms
you have claimed to fight for

Not by our hands
will we supply weapons and funding
for the annihilation of families
on foreign soil

Not by our mouths
will we let fear silence us

Not by our hearts
will we allow whole peoples
or countries to be deemed evil

Not by our will
and Not in our name

We pledge resistance

We pledge alliance with those
who have come under attack
for voicing opposition to the war
or for their religion or ethnicity

We pledge to make common cause
with the people of the world
to bring about justice,
freedom and peace

Another world is possible
and we pledge to make it real.

Yosemite at Last!

Driving back to the Valley through darkness watching the headlights pass between trees, walking up to the Terrace Kitchen and knowing "I'm HOME", wow, seeing so many shining familiar faces is amazing and also overwhelming. I've been bouldering, swiming, craging, and multipitch climbing in Toulumme, we had a pseudo "Thanksgiving Dinner" last night followed w/ "Shirtless 07" kitchen dance party, summer series #2 push up competion, which i won i might add, the a cold/hot shower followed by sound sleep on a real bed w/ a pillow! ahhhh, the luxuries....mmmmm..good!, i'm fitting into the Valley Life alright keeping my 'Free-gan' ethics and refusing beer and smoking, amongst trying to squeeze in yoga, meditation, reading and writing. Life is good, i'm looking for work but want to do something enviromentaly sound, might just end up collecting beer bottles and cans for 5cents a pop!, other than that, trying to keep up on some internet research, waiting for more opportunities to fall my way, and gearing up for the BURN!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Bbbback in the USSA!!

Correct amundo, I've landed, in San Fran City tonight couchsurfing down at Haight and Ashbury, my first truly San Fran experience I must say, its been a mind boggling few days between hitching and flying, traveling back in time with little sleep no less.. I'm trying to adjust to my new and seeming 'foreign' surroundings without being too judgemental or compromising my values that I've worked so hard to build while abroad, i know that i have big ideas for my future and I'm preparing to make them blossom by getting my hands dirty and working hard. i look forward to seeing everyone again and seizing new opportunities!!