Brady's Pilgrimage

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

"Why Do I Run?" 4/10/2009

Why do I run, from Truth, Love, Now? I ask and ask and ask,
but do I listen for answers or leave premature?
I say "Give me Health, Happiness, Peace", but choose to bury my feelings, fear, and grief by eating, eating, eating unconsciously consuming the fist that feeds, choking myself with worry, self pity and doubt. I know so little about so much, when is enough enough?
Put down the book, take the headphones out, turn off the TV, start living, day by day, choice by choice, breath by breath. It takes a warrior to stop fighting and surrender, sit, still, silent, listen, learn, sacrifice simple empty pleasures for deep lasting fulfillment, purpose and joy.

Enter the Kingdom of Heaven , the doors are wide open, Love comes from within and is endless, trust your heart and see your beauty beyond your body, stand strong to your words, keep actions focused with intent. Building a castle starts brick by brick, enjoy the movements as they will last a lifetime and may never seem complete. The mountain may appear steep like a pyramid seems empty, but trust step by step and reach the top with little effort, let spirit elevate and guide go along for the ride no need to drive this vehicle knows more than you or I, with intuitive wisdom as vast as the ocean, we have all the pieces needed to frame our puzzle like a painting.

Problems like pretzels that twist and bend us blending together our faults and perfections.
The reflection of a rainbow in a oily puddle, a paradox and parody apparently wrapped in plastic and cardboard, a parrot in a cage watching the rain forest on DVD, laughing hysterically mocking grandma rocking nervously in her chair waiting for the children to get home from school. Smother us in kisses, spoil us with sweets, let us sweat as we play and fall asleep with sand in our sheets. I clean the dirt off my feet and comb my hair appearing pretty and neat brush my teeth and smile, starring eye to eye with myself, blinking blessings and prayers without shedding a tear, perking my ears as I blow my nose, its been raining for years and its time to Bloom. Spring is in the Air, Beauty in the Moon, Summer Sun Shines on the horizon illuminating the day. Stretch, dance, sing, that's all I have to say....


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