Brady's Pilgrimage

Monday, December 31, 2007

A Very Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year!

To utilize this change in our calendar, season, and lunar energies I am clearing and purifying my mind, heart, and spirit and preparing for a new day filled with Light, Love and Laughter! This year my new year resolution is partially an inward one to detoxify, clarify and focus my intentions through meditation, yoga, travel and work, and also to connect deeply to the earth, sun, universe and my own higher self and heart spirit. I've just learned a new Mer-ka-ba meditation technique to assist me on my journey to higher consciousness. I am very excited, optimistic and hopeful for 2008. I give my love and gratitude to all of my teachers past, present and future who have helped me to this point and will guide me along my path to live sustainably, self-sufficiently and successfully wherever I choose to go, live and play! I honor my own desire, will and courage to confront my fears and dissolve them with love to help humanity heal, transform and grow into the Beautiful Future ahead! I hope all of you are able to make personal commitments to healing yourselves and mother earth and spreading light, awareness and truth here and far! I honor you, accept you and encourage you to empower yourself and breathe deep :)


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