Brady's Pilgrimage

Monday, November 26, 2007

Am I Still in Kansas Toto?

Yes, Yes I do believe so, conflicted, confused and slightly amused, I sit at my computer and peck on hollow keys staring at a screen of mystery drawing my mind in like a fisherman. "I'm OLD GREG", lol, you tube that shit its funny and twisted, but life back in Kansas has me tied up in emotions, habits and fears. Searching for freedom and expression behind each corner, sometimes finding myself Sweating My Prayers out in a room full of beautiful people, dancing like a drunken hooligan but completely sober.

On my way back here from across seas, space and time, I was not sure what I would find or even what I was looking for. Opportunity, Love, Connection, Freedom, and encouragement were probably on my subconscious list among others and what I've found is challenge, concern and questions. These are good for me and society and necessary for growth, real problems, real people. I think this is the creative friction that Andrew Cohen writes about as important in the evolution of consciousness which I seek intensely. These last 4 months in the US have shaken, disturbed, even saddened me, but its nothing that I can't rise above, transform, and direct for the benefit of all. Because I am a truth seeker, a peaceful warrior, and active member of the community working for the greater good, I chose to step over and through these obstacles in my mind and my personal reality. I chose to create a reality that I can honor, respect and enjoy. So I keep searching for inspiration, balance, understanding, enlightenment, health, happiness and abundance in my life. I am driven from the light within my being, my heart, my spirit and am in communion with the earth, sky and infinite source of the universe.

I work on manifesting these qualities, experiences, and opportunities into my life so that I can dwell in unlimited peace, joy, and satisfaction. I keep asking myself what I'm doing here or there, what is my purpose or duty, and what I have to offer this community. And the more I think about it the more I realize my presence is what I offer, my being, body, mind and time. As long as i continue to care for myself through exercise, nutrition and rest, I will continue rising to the challenge and opportunity that the day provides. I will honor the 4 agreements, 1. Be Impeccable with your word! 2. Don't take things personally 3. Don't make assumptions 4. Always try your Best! The rest will fall in its place making history out of thoughts and actions, the movement of light is a beautiful thing:)

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Conversations With Friends!

So, I've been telling my friends about some inspiring films, books, and people I've come across on this journey, in hopes of giving them a different perspective then they're used to, this is a responce from one friend: creative friction? maybe...

"I have to say that I laughed out loud when they talked about the Indians not seeing the ships, which is of course, complete nonsense. There is no basis, reason or evidence to believe anything presented in the film, which is convenient because its hard to get anything out of it because of the way it is edited. Because you recommend it so much, I had to let you know that I really hope you are not basing any of your views on the information provided in the movie because it is a horrible source. Also, in my opinion you are doing people a disservice by recommending it because it is sooooooo corny and bad! Man, it was a fight to sit through the freakin thing! Had to speak out on that one, but that's about it! =) Talk to you later."

Here is my Responce...

"right on dude, i honor your opinions and am glad you did some
research, the reason i reccomend people movies like this is to get
them to think, question, and fuckin wake up man!, i see so many people
walking like zombies, toataly unispired, disempowered and depressed!
this sucks, cancer, disease, polution, consumption, religion, are all
distroying our world, ourselves, most people know the world is toataly
fucked but don't know how to help "unfuck" it. Bottom line this movie
empowers people to take action into there own hands and "create" the
world they want to live in actively and reactively. I watched, talked
to and read countless perspectives on "laws of the universe" which is
all quantum physics is, i'm talkin about reading books from many
different cultures, classes, time periods, and as far as i know
reputable, considering i haven't heard anything disclaiming their
views, but realizing they are human, not perfect, its about
perspective and understanding for me not about knowledge, this is why
a try my best to get a variety of sources from each angle, Books like,
Ageless Body, Timeless Mind by Deepak Chopra, Sleeping Prophet of
Edgar Casey, Waiting to Love by David Deida,Talking Jaquar by Martin
Pretchel, The Ancient Secrets of the Flower of Life & Living in the
Heart by Drunvalo Melchezedic, Falling Cedars by Vladimir Migre, Food
of the Gods by Terrance Mekenna, The World Peace Diet by Will Tutle,
Peace in Every Step by Thich Nhat Hahn, Manhood by Stephen
Rect...Movies like Zeitgeist, One Giant Leap, The New Biology,
EndGame, Go Further, Inspiration w/ Wayne Dyer, I know I'm not Alone,
Scared Sacred, Suzuki Speaks, Global Swindle, ect....

I'm just trying to help widen people perspectives, work in harmony
with the universe, peacefully and productively, I learn from those who
inspire me, through reading or watching movies, but mostly people that
i have met and talked to face to face, because i relate to these
people, they live admirable lives unlike most of the people i know
here, and that is what i aspired to do, i am leaving mediocrity
behind, i'm stiriving to expand and evolve my consciousness, and live
through love, from the heart! I want balance in my life of the male
and female energies and believe that in most societies of the world
are almost completely male dominated, energetically! they are totally
disconnected to their femine power,

you can doubt it, defend it, argue about it, all i ask you to do brad
is go after what inspires you, fills you with love and happiness, if
this isn't it, fine, but don't stop educating yourself, through
experience, feel it, touch it, taste it, hear it, smell it, don't just
read it dude, talk to real people!,

I love you man, and I honor and respect who you are, keep up the good
work, (are we working for the same things here? the Greater Good? to
save the planet? is there room for everything that is helping us Wake
Up, and Evolve!)

Peace, and Easy Cheese,"

Thursday, November 01, 2007

"I Have a Dream"

I have a dream to live Sustainably, in harmony with the Earth, in a community of loving friends and families, having a deep, open, honest and intimate relationship with a or multiple companions. I will live everyday consciously from the beginning with holistic exercise, meditation and nutrition. I will grow my own food and resources, help educate the communities around not only be example but by vocation, duty! I will learn to sail and fly freely without pollution, ride and drive an electric bike or van, build a home of natural and recycled materials. I will create and support loving and open relationships with my immediate family and friends, I will walk proud and confident, speak with determination but softness, staying humble and balanced, find honorable causes to be involved in for work and volunteer. I have a dream to finish my university education while creating something that lasts, to help organize and network the unlimited resources in the world today. I wish to question authority and protest with non-violent direct action. I will make Love and own it, lead with an inspired and compassionate heart, jump on opportunities as they arise. I will practice self control, but will not ignore the Globalized world, I will take responsibility for myself and humanity, fighting corruption and greed by planting seeds of love and generosity, unconditional sharing and acceptance. I have a dream to give without receiving, to live be my morals and virtues, a dream of justice and peace without Hunger, poverty or dis-ease. That humanity live together as one entity not separate. To be without feeling guilt, shame, fear or embarrassment. I will live with great self respect, self esteem and self love. I am Beauty and that will radiate from me, I will be a revolutionary, I will be Ghandi, I will be Jesus, and may their loving energy shine through me, the ways of success, the way on the Uni-verse!!

Note to Self...

Note to Self... Don't forget to Breathe

Aahhhh...remember, everything will be okay. Stay positive, keep smilin and float. Breathe into the beauty that surrounds you, feel your body and its presence on the earth. This is Real to me. I am living my dreams, walking through invisible boundaries and setting myself free. I am all and All is me. Let us be promoters of peace, love, and Health and use these as vehicles to set ourselves FREE! Let our Passions move us, inspiration motivate us, and our dreams guide us into the Beautiful Future of Abundance for all. Lead me, guide me, direct and protect me, I'm in service for the Greater Good.

Note to Self... Don't forget to sit, watch, listen, taste, smell and Relax already! What's been done in done and can't be changed, stay in the moment and follow your bliss. Blow a kiss to this universe of magnificence and dwell in gratitude for all that it is. Don't be shy, be yourself, complete and whole because feeling great should be rewarded not punished, encouraged not shamed. When we can all open ourselves to the richness of love and radical self expression we will become ONE, full of Light, Laughter and Courage to be warriors, peaceful and gentle but confident and direct. I mean, sure, I could talk for hours and sound pretty smart but now its the actions that matter, walking the walk.

Note to Self... I'm Sorry and I love You

And on this path I will fall and get lost, but realize this is part of the journey, no need for criticism or alibis, its all part of learning. I say this now just to myself, "I'm sorry and I love you", I don't say this enough but I mean it. Its all part of healing, from bitter wounds to traumatic memories, sometimes forgiving ourselves is most important. Lets not stop or rewind but move forward into the eternal goodness, light in all directions but not blinding, darkness that protects but does not frighten.

Note to Self... Give yourself a Hug... and Don't forget to Breathe!