Brady's Pilgrimage

Sunday, November 19, 2006

It's time I use this thing called a blog.

I been in the country for just over a month now, I'm finally growing comfortable with my wonderful surroundings, thus creating a more intimate experience. This is good and bad, the bad is that I'm having to smack myself from time to time saying, " your in new zealand, why aren't you smiling!"; I've also spent the last three weeks in the same place, which i told myself I wouldn't do. The good is that I the place I've spent the last three weeks is incredible, I'm learning a lot about myself and truly getting to know the great people that make this place so wonderful and unique. I'm drawing wisdom out of the elders and passion from the wwoofers, even drinking beer around the bonfire with the locals, I'm learning to fit in.

The other day I went over to Bill and Donna's house. Donna is the manager here at Mana, Bill is her husband, a 67 year old retired business consultant, who envited me to participate in his weekly radio show that he prerecords and sends to a radio station near his home in Vermont. My homework was to pick six songs that have influenced my life. We played the songs and then discussed what their personal significance and "Father William's", Bill's radio personality, response to the music. I chose some contemporary songs that make me happy and fill my heart with love, it was a special time we had together in his office listening to the songs, nearly two generations between us. I don't think Bill had heard of any of the songs I picked out, mostly because they were local artists, but his response to the music was great! We laughed and immersed ourselves in the moment with a really passionate conversation. It one those conversations that you'll remember for a long, long time. We talked about the music that opened his mind and heart, Simon & Garfunkel, and Leonard Cohen, while I could hardly put my inspiration into words, that energy that flowed through me that morning was something really special, it was a natural high that you don't get everyday. Bill is a very wise man, I enjoy his comments and stories very much.

So I've been thinking a lot this last month about what life is all about. A constant dialog within my mind and with the people I encounter. Trying to decide what makes me most happy, healthy and kind. I'm searching for knowledge, and wisdom, thinking that the answers are "out there" for me to trip over. I've also been trying to look inward and to untangle my mind and draw out my inner wisdom, with meditation I'm trying to connect my energy to the global energy. I hope I can relate deeply to everyone I know and will encounter in the future, and I believe we can create a more beautiful, loving, and sustainable future!

Thursday, November 02, 2006


So I quite college to go to New Zealand for a year. It sounded like a good idea, I came with two good buddies, a couple thousand dollars in the bank, 40 pounds on my back and some strong motivation, and a growing hunger for the exploration of new knowledge and experiences. So far I haven't been disappointed but I have definately been awestruck, rained on and intrigued. This is my journey to the other side of the globe...