Brady's Pilgrimage

Thursday, September 20, 2007


Hi Friends and Family, I helping to plan a Holistic Festival on Health and Environment, we will have class on Yoga, Meditation, Dance, Qi Gong, Speakers on lifestyle, alternative medicine/healing, Vegan/Raw Diet, Indigo Children, Wisdom, Dreams ect.. we're looking for Teachers/Speakers/ and Volunteers to make the event ENLIGHTENING!!, check out for more info and contact us at (

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Spread My Wings

Freedom to me is being confident and comfortable with who I am and where I'm at, its feeling open to self expression in anyway I see positive and of mutual benifit to those around me. Freedom is more than a word, more than creativity, it involves great responcibility, respect and growth. Its an essential condition for evolution of consciosness and society, in order for life to save itself from destruction we must empower ourselves to be free, free of hipocracy, government, guilt, greed, money, media, debt, embarrassment, regret, shame, addiction, religion, sex, and history... We must be the pioneers of the new world of discovery with unconditional acceptance, joy, and love for ourselves, each other and LIFE!, I yearn to be completely free, being the best I can see, do and feel. This is what I'm about and I want your help!

Burning Man, what a sober trip, with out the use of alcohol, pot, and psychadelics I survived a world of awe and chaos, creating my own experience which was anything but usual! Crazy, insane and madness can be words to describe this week long experiment of radical expression, reliance and community. But in the same breath words like Beauty, sacred and amazing also come to mind. A learning experience most definately, finding it hard to enjoy myself, letting go into the ocean of noice and dance proved challenging as did observing sexual anxiety and irrational guilt, shame and fear, trying to feel comfortable in nude company without judging or getting excited. Too much to do and see, sensory overload! I did make it an effort however to trace the green theme to its source, sitting in on many conversations and presentations from green economics, renewable energy, to activism, protest and community! all in all it showed me what remains hiden and suppressed in our everyday lives and how i want to understand my needs and feelings better to enjoy the fruits of life and celebration, and to help create space for freedom and expression at home, in society and beyond!!