Brady's Pilgrimage

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Hitching to Wellington!

Ahh, isn't life greeeat? Well, i'm now in Wellington, the Nation's capital after hiking some 5-6 hours here, i started off yesturday after noon, got my first ride from a nice engineer from S.Africa, he took me to Napier, we had a great time chatting about music and poetry ect.. i put him on to a few inspirations of my and he showed me some of his, it was rad, as i got dropped in napier i was parched, so i went to the nearest "Fish and chips" and bought the greasiest $5 special i've every had, it was O-kay?, from there, i thought, hey migth as well keep goin, it was about 8pm, i got a short ride to hastings by a young kid Alby as i was walkin that way, he dropped me in the middle of town and i back tracked to the highway not wanting to set up yet and i still had a bit of day light, a couple kids gave me a ride to the highway from there i walked a couple km's to the juntion of the highway w/ my tumb out a van pulled over after the round about, a "jointer" cabinet maker, from Palmer's North, he was visiting his mom in the hospital and picked me up for a ride to his house about an hour and a half from my first destination, here. he offered to have me stay at his house for the night, what a guy!


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