Brady's Pilgrimage

Monday, December 11, 2006

Two weeks till Christmas!

So the holiday season is pretty much here, its just a bit different down here in NZ because well for starters.. its SUMMER! yes a bit different from the cold and sometimes snowy holidays of the states but I'm looking forward to Christmas on the beach or where ever it may be.
So I've been in the town of Rotorua for about a week now, its a pretty cool town about the middle of the north island. Its got a lot of native culture and some crazy geo-termal stuff, loads of hot springs. On the front page of the paper today was a story about one of the giesers in town spewing boiling mud 60 feet high! In other news, I am staying with a really sweet family who I'm wwoofing for in exchange for the BodyTalk course I took two weeks ago. The Mom of the house, Tracy, has been a BodyTalk instructor and practitioner since it began about 10 years ago. Its a really neat and holistic system of healing, creating balance within the body by linking up different parts and systems by relative priority, to create better communication between them. It does this using a simple muscle test to ask the body, or the subconscious mind Yes/NO questions, and has a nifty protocal to pinpoint what needs help in a short amount of time, a session usually only lasts between 5-20 minutes. It can pretty much get to the root of any problem that the body/mind can have and gets the energy moving right. It was a really sweet experience to take part in the course and Tracy is a really amazing and inspiring woman, having studied a variety of osteopathy and healing systems for the last 25 years. She is supper passionate about bodyTalk and says that everyone can benifit from it and everyone should practice it. And the cool part is that its really simple too, and almost anyone can learn parts of the system to use on themselves and their family, its toatally safe and can really only benifit the patient! check out the website if your interested.
So other than that I've been doing a lot of weeding and running around taking the kids to school and such to help out around the house, I've also happened upon some really cool information. I'm reading a book right now by Deepak Chopra, one of the great minds of our time, called Ageless Body, Timeless Mind. Its a really great book about healing yourself and creating overall health with thoughts and intentions, he explains a lot about quantum theory and its super easy to understand. I also got the chance to watch a lecture by a guy named Bruce Lipton, PhD, called The NEw Biology, he goes in depth to the biology of thought and intention as well and creates a pretty comprehensive idea of what is involved in creating and keeping a healthy body. Well I'm afraid this entry is a little dry of exciting and colorful details, but none the less I'm having an amazing time here, I'm learning a ton, and I'm meeting some absolutely fascinating people! I'd really like to here from all of those reading this, and I hope you all have wonderful and love filled holidays! or just plain ole days too!!


At 2:47 PM, Blogger Mike said...

Brady -
The body talk thing sounds interesting I'll have to check it out. Sounds like it works on the same principles as the machine that Aunt Debbie paid thousands of dollars for. We missed you at Christmas. We had the annual gift exchange - stealing was rampent. Saw your brother troy and we had a good talk. Take care. Uncle Mike


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